
How to Play Double or Quits Solitaire

Double or Quits Solitaire Rules

| Players: 1 | Type: Solitaire | Supplies: 1 Deck |


The objective of Double or Quits is to build up the foundation pile by doubling the rank of the top card to determine the next card that goes on, excluding kings.


Deal one card to start the foundation pile, and seven reserve cells, each with one card. Place the remaining deck face down to form the stock. If a king is dealt out during the setup, move it to the bottom of the stock and deal a new card to replace it.

Double or Quits Solitaire set up: card layout
Double or Quits Solitaire card layout set up picture

Card Value

Ace: 1
2-10: Face value
Jack: 11
Queen: 12
King: No value

Game Play

The first card dealt to the foundation pile determines the starting rank. Suits do not matter in this game. The foundation pile is built up by doubling the value of the top card of the foundation pile. For example, if the top card of the foundation pile is a 2, then the next card that could be played would be a 4. Aces are worth 1, jacks are worth 11, queens are worth 12, kings are not worth anything, and all other cards are worth their face value. When the rank of the top card is doubled and surpasses 13, the doubled number minus 13 determines the next rank that can be played. For example, since a jack (11) is the top card, doubling it would be 22. 22 minus 13 would make the next rank allowed on top be a 9. The sequence starts at whichever card was first dealt to the foundation pile and goes as follows: ace, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, queen, jack, 9, 5, 10, 7, ace, and so on, repeating this pattern.

The top card of the waste pile and each card in a reserve cell are available for play onto a foundation pile. Reserve cells may only hold one card at a time. As soon as a reserve cell is empty, use the top card of the waste pile to fill it, or the top card of the stock if the waste pile is depleted. If a king enters a reserve cell, that cell is rendered useless, as kings may not be removed from a reserve cell or played onto the foundation pile.

When there are no more available moves, flip the top card of the stock over to form or add to the waste pile. When the stock is depleted, you may redeal. To redeal, flip the waste pile over to reform the stock. You may redeal twice per game. When the stock is depleted a third time and there are no more moves, the game is over.

To Win

Double or Quits is won if all cards, except the four kings, are built onto the foundation pile. If there are no more moves after the stock is depleted a third time and not all cards are built onto the foundation pile, excluding the kings, the game is lost.

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