How to Play Canfield Solitaire
Canfield Solitaire solitaire is a challenging solitaire game where the foundation piles start cards are not determined until flipping a card.
Canfield Solitaire Rules
| Players: 1 | Type: Solitaire | Supplies: 1 Deck |
The objective of Canfield is to move all cards onto the foundation piles.
Deal 13 cards face down to form the reserve pile. Flip the top card of the reserve pile face up. Deal a row of four cards face up to form the four tableau piles. Deal one face-up card above the tableau piles to form the first foundation pile. Place the remaining deck face down to form the stock.

Game Play
There will be a total of four foundation piles, one per suit. The first foundation pile that was started during setup
determines the starting rank of the other three foundation piles. The starting rank for the foundation piles will change
per game based on what card is dealt here. When cards of the same starting rank become available for play, move them
above the tableau to form another foundation pile. Foundation piles are built in ascending order and suit until each
pile contains 13 cards. To add a card to a foundation pile, it must be one rank higher and of the same suit as the top
card of the pile it is being placed on. Aces may be played on kings.
The top card of each tableau pile, the reserve pile, and the waste pile is available for play onto a foundation pile or
a tableau pile. Tableau piles may be built in descending order and alternating color. For example, you could move the 10
of clubs onto the jack of hearts. Kings may be played on aces to continue the sequence. A card or group of cards in the
correct sequence may be moved from one tableau pile to another as long as the correct sequence continues, meaning the
bottom card of a group of cards being moved must be one rank lower and of the opposite color than the top card of the
pile it is being moved to.
When a tableau pile becomes empty, it must be immediately filled with the top card of the reserve pile. Following the
previous example, since the 10 of clubs was moved, creating an empty tableau pile, use the top card of the reserve, the
ace of clubs, to fill the space. When the top card of the reserve pile is used, flip the next card of the reserve pile
face up to be available for play. If the reserve pile is empty, then an empty tableau pile may be filled using the top
card of another tableau pile, a group of cards in the proper sequence, or the top card of the waste pile. Empty tableau
piles do not have to be filled immediately if the reserve pile is empty.
When there are no more available moves the player wants to make, flip the top three cards of the stock over, without
changing the order of these cards, to form or add to the waste pile. When the stock is depleted, you may redeal by
flipping the waste pile over, without changing the order of these cards, to form a new stock. You may redeal until you
pass through the stock without playing a card from anywhere.
To Win
Canfield is won if all four foundation piles are successfully built in ascending order to 13 cards in suit. If the stock is passed through without playing at least one card and there are no more available moves, the game is lost.