
How to Play Braid Solitaire

Braid Solitaire Rules

| Players: 1 | Type: Solitaire | Supplies: 2 Decks |


The objective of Braid is to build the eight foundation piles from the starting rank up in ascending order and suit to 13 cards.


Deal 20 cards face-up and overlapping each other in a braid to form the reserve. There will be a total of 12 tableau cells with one card each. Deal two tableau cells on each side of the braid, forming the four inner tableau cells. Then, deal a column of four cards on each side of the braid, next to the inner tableau cells, to form the eight outer tableau cells. Deal the next card above the tableau to form the first foundation pile. Place the remaining cards face down to form the stock.

Braid Solitaire set up: card layout
Braid Solitaire card layout set up picture

Game Play

The first card dealt to start a foundation pile determines the starting rank for all other foundation piles. When another card of the same rank as this first card becomes available, it is moved above the tableau to start another foundation pile. There are two foundation piles per suit. Foundation piles are built in ascending order and in suit from the starting card until each pile contains 13 cards. To add a card to a foundation pile, it must be one rank higher and of the same suit as the top card of the foundation pile it is being moved to. Aces may be played on kings to continue the sequence.

All cards in each tableau cell, the top card of the waste pile, and the top card of the reserve are available for play onto a foundation pile. Tableau cells may only hold one card. When an outer tableau cell becomes empty, it may be filled with the top card from the waste pile. When an inner tableau cell becomes empty, fill it with the top card from the reserve, or the top card of the waste pile if the reserve is empty. You may decide when to fill an empty tableau cell; it does not have to be immediately.

When there are no more available moves that you want to make, flip the top card of the stock over to form or add to the waste pile. When the stock is depleted, you may redeal by flipping over the waste pile to form a new stock. You may only redeal twice. When there are no more moves after the stock is depleted a third time, the game is over.

To Win

Braid is won if all cards are built onto the eight foundation piles. If there are no more available moves after the stock is depleted a third time and the foundation piles are incomplete, the game is lost.


A common variation of Braid is after you set up and before you start playing, you must decide if you want to build the foundation piles in ascending order or descending order. All foundation piles must go in the same direction. If you build in descending order, kings may be played on aces. To add a card to a foundation pile that is being built in descending order, the card must be one rank lower and of the same suit as the top card of the pile it is being moved to. All other rules stay the same.

There is a variation called Pigtail that allows for one more redeal.

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